
The SNEWS 2.0 implementation has three major components:


The model initializes a Decider object and opens up a kafka stream through hop-client to read in messages from detectors. The model would evoke different processing functions depending on the message type. The message types and corresponding processing algorithms are stored as a mapping in

self.mapping = {
        SNEWSObservation.__name__: self.processObservationMessage,
        SNEWSHeartbeat.__name__: self.processHeartbeatMessage

Upon receiving an observation message, it stores the message by calling methods of the decider and then runs the coincidence requirement check through the decider’s methods. If the deciding function indicates the possibility of a potential supernova, the model generates an alert message and sends it to all detectors through a differet Hopskotch stream.

Each detector are required to periodically send heartbeat messages. The model keeps a record of which detectors are on or off and removes detectors from which it has not heard back in a long time. When receiving a heartbeat message, the model updates the status of status and machine time of the detector included in this message.


A decider consists of a Database Storage object and an implementation of the SNEWS coincidence requirement protocol (the deciding() function).

Pseudocode for the deciding protocol logic is:

The API of the decider class is defined as

class IDecider(object):
def deciding(self):

def addMessage(self, time, neutrino_time, message):

def getAllMessages(self):

Database Storage

This is an object for storing and queueing observation messages received by the model. In order to support the coincidence requirement check and future SNEWS usage, the storage object should have the functionality to received timestamped messages. The API of this class is

class IStorage(object):
def insert(self, time, neutrino_time, message):

def getAllMessages(self):

def cacheEmpty(self):

def getMsgFromStrID(self, post_id):

For the first release/pre-release of SNEWS 2.0, MongoDB is used to implement this IStorage interface. TTL indexes are used to expire messages. Two MongoDB collections are created here, with one storing all messages and the other one acting as a timed cache for coincidence requirement check.